Meet RickySantiago

Ricky and his family indoors

Ricky Santiago

Will Get It Done

I'm Ricky Santiago, and I'm a candidate for House District 29. I'm a “get it done, Democrat” running to keep Kentucky moving forward. I have a FAST plan to keep Kentucky moving forward and ensure that all Kentuckians have the opportunity to succeed.

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Issues Breakdown:

I have a FAST plan to keep Kentucky moving forward and ensure that all Kentuckians have the opportunity to succeed. My FAST plan focuses on:

  1. Families:

    For most Kentuckians, family is the most important part of their life. I will work to ensure that families from the youngest infant to the oldest generation are valued and protected. That means taking care of our seniors so that they can age with dignity and remain active, healthy and involved in our society; it means ensuring our young parents have access to affordable childcare; and that we have jobs with good wages and benefits so that those families can thrive.

  2. Academics:

    Education is the silver bullet to creating a successful future. We need to fully fund our public schools and their transportation budgets so that our kids can receive the world class education they deserve; we need to make sure we raise teacher pay and benefits so that our kids are being taught by qualified and well-compensated professional teachers; we need to ensure that we protect those educators pensions so that they know that our state government has their back; and we need to provide funding for universal pre-kindergarten so every Kentucky child has the best foundation possible for learning.

  3. Safety:

    Safe streets and strong neighborhoods provide the ecosystem for communities to thrive. I will advocate for more dollars to provide police, fire and EMS coverage to our growing district; push for law enforcement to obtain the necessary tools and training to do their job effectively and justly; and secure funding to invest back into our neighborhoods to increase community engagement and offer opportunities for neighbors to work together to keep the neighborhood safe.

  4. Transportation:

    Our district is growing, which is great news. But, with growth comes traffic and congestion on our roads and interstates. I will work to bring more of our tax dollars back in the road plan to expand our roads and ease traffic pain so that we can create a safe and streamlined commuter experience while traveling in the district.

  5. Digital Opportunity:

    Our world is rapidly changing, we need to ensure that all kentuckians have access to affordable internet, devices at home and the skills to properly use them to take full advantage of all digital opportunities like education, workforce training, telehealth and finances. We need to hold the line against automation and artificial intelligence until our workers are ready and able to incorporate this into their work and ensure that the workers of Kentucky are not replaced.